Forming a new habit is a journey. This journey comes with all sorts of twists, turns, and unexpected surprises. Enjoy the struggle--we’re human.
In this blog, we will talk through some tips for success in your Habit Formation journey.
- Start with a Plan
- Create a S.M.A.R.T. habit
- Gather Tools and Resources
- Set Your Environment
- Find Accountability
Did you know? Approximately 80 percent of people who make New Year's resolutions have dropped them by the second week of February. Beat the 80% and create a habit that sticks.
Start With a Plan
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are starting a new habit, is jumping into it without a plan. They haven’t defined why they are creating the habit or how they are going to get to where they want to be. Start there.
Ask yourself and define:
- Who do I want to be? What is my “ideal” self and what habits would that person have?
- Why do I want this? What is going to motivate me?

Create a SMART Habit
After figuring out who you want to become and why you want to pursue that, you need a goal. Big, vague goals often lead to burn out and frustration. Start with a goal that you can actually work towards and assess your progress by. A good format for this is S.M.A.R.T. habit.

- Specific: What is the exact outcome you are looking for? (simple, sensible, and significant)
- Measurable: What is necessary to accomplish said habit? (meaningful, motivating)
- Attainable: Do you control the outcome, and is it realistic? (agreed, achievable)
- Relevant: Does this Habit make sense for me? (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results based)
- Time-Based: When do I expect to see results? (timely, time-sensitive, time-limited)
Gather Tools and Resources
Habit Trackers
Establish a way that you can remind yourself to do your habit and keep yourself accountable. A great way to do this is to use a habit tracker. A Habit Tracker allows you to see your progress, times of struggle, and can reinforce your motivations to work towards your goal
Linking Good Habits
If you have a rhythm in your life that you've already set, linking your new positivee habit to it can be very helpful. For example, someone could use drinking their morning coffee to remind them to write in their journal and take vitamins. Its an enjoyable thing that you are already doing on a daily basis that then is linked to the positive habit you are looking to create.
Set an Environment Conducive to Your Success
Habit formation includes some barriers and challenges. Setting your social, emotional, and physical environments to support your habit instead of hinder your habit can result in much greater success.
Here are some principles to remember while you set your environment:
In your Social environment:
- Principle #1: spend time with those that will help improve your habits, not prevent them
- Principle #2: invite your friends into the journey for more accountability
- Principle #3: your environment will either promote positive habits, or detract from them
In your Emotional environment:
- Principle #1: the journey is a path, not a ladder. If you stumble, you don't have to start all over. Just keep walking.
- Principle #2: positive talk leads to a positive walk. Don't beat yourself up. Affirm your abilities with the way you think about yourself and your habit.
- Principle #3: laugh at your failures. Give yourself grace in the journey.
In your Physical environment:
- Principle #1: have a plan & write out your S.M.A.R.T. habit
- Principle #2: use a habit tracker (physical is best)
- Principle #3: use aromatherapy and the psychology of hooking
Find Accountability
Lastly, tell a friend. A journey is always more fun with a companion. They don’t necessarily have to be forming the same habit, but having someone who checks in on you or that you report to is great accountability for forming your new habit.

To Wrap It Up...
Cultivating positive habits in our lives doesn't have to be intimidating. Finding useful tools and strategies can effectively reinforce your motivation and encourage you to keep going. We believe that creating positive habits is an important journey. We want to help find success in becoming a better you!
Looking for our tools to help in positive habit formation?
Check out our products here
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100 days smoke free. Thank you Fum!!
Hey Jordan,
The plant extracts used in our Cores are 100% pure and natural and are safe for teeth and gums. However, adverse reactions to these plant extracts can occasionally occur due to potential allergies/sensitivities.
We encourage you to consult with your physician to ensure that Füm is safe for you to use with your current state of health and medications (where applicable).
For more information on adverse effects, take a look here:üm™-25788
Is FUM safe for your teeth and gums?
Hey Kathryn,
Cores are flavored with plant extracts (essential oils) that diffuse to create flavor in the mouth while using the Füm.
For more information, please reach out to our customer service team at :)